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Q: Which macromolecules is used for insulation in animals?
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Can animals produce macromolecules?

yes they can

What is used for insulation and buoyancy in marine arctic animals?

Marine arctic animals use their fat stores for buoyancy and insulation. The fat is made into a specialized form called blubber.

Which macromolecules can be used for long term energy storage in animals?

Glycogen (made up the macromolecule carbohydrates)

What macromolecules is found in call membrane and helps organisms conserve heat by providing insulation?

It's something like, uhh, origanates.

What animals use thermal insulation?

warm blooded animals

How does carbon help an animals body?

it gives them macromolecules such as carbs, amino acids

Why do some animals have feathers?

Feathers help with pushing air aside (for flying) and in most cases they are also used for insulation.

What is another used word for macromolecules?


Foods eaten by animals are most often composed largely of macromolecules?

enzymatic hydrolysis

What are the Uses of rock wool as insulation?

Rock wool is used for lost insulation It could also be used for sound insulation

Where you used solid insulation?

Insulation (electrical) materials are used in electrotechnics and electronics.

Enzymes in the stomach?

The enzymes that are in the stomach are what causes polymeric macromolecules to break down into smaller pieces so that the body can use them. These are found within the digestive tract of humans and other animals.