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Q: Which major earthquake did not occur at a boundary between tectonics plates?
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What type of fault was the Great Chilean Earthquake on?

The plate boundary the Chile earthquake occurred on in 2010 was the converging boundary. A converging boundary is when two plates move closer together. In this case the converging boundary moved so close together that the plates hut one another. They then subducted under on another and the earthquake was formed.

What is a positive effect of an earthquake?

Earthquakes relieve the tension building between tectonic plates. so, loads of small earthquakes lessen the chance that a massive earthquake will happen along the same plate boundary.

How are earthquakes made in japan?

Plate Tectonics, a natural process that can occur anywhere in the world. (What happens, is, an earthquake is made when 2 plates collide into one another - making the recent earthquake, and the tsunami that followed after.)

Why earthquakes are caused?

A Earthquake is caused by the two plates (Plate Boundary) you can have 3 Plate Boundaries 1) Destructive Plate Boundary 2) Collision Plate Boundary 3) Conservative Plate Boundary and this are what cause a earthquake because when they meet they build so much pressure it makes a earthquake.

What happens when tectonic plates to cause an earthquake?

In most cases the plates along the boundary will shift. How they shift depends on the kind of plate movement that is ocurring. In many cases the earthquake is not directly on the plate boundary, but is rather triggered by one of the many smaller faults created by the stresses found near these boundaries.

Related questions

What is a sentence for tranforms boundary?

The earthquake tranforms boundary between the two tectonic plates.

How are plate tectonics and tectonic plates different?

Plate tectonics refers to the overall theory that the Earth's outer layer is divided into plates that move around on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below. Tectonic plates are the actual pieces of the Earth's lithosphere that fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and move around based on the theory of plate tectonics. In summary, plate tectonics is the theory, while tectonic plates are the physical components that make up that theory.

Why is it not unusual for the population of Chile to experience on earthquake?

Chile is located at a boundary between two tectonic plates.

Causes for earthquake?

tetonic plates in a transform boundary

What fault line caused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?

it was caused by the two plates in the earth that hit each other

What active boundary between the plates?

the active boundary between plates is a ?

What type of boundary caused the earthquake 442010 baja California Mexico?

Its epicenter was located on the convergent boundary between the Pacific and Cocos tectonic plates.

What can form where two plates converge?

when two plates converge it is called plate tectonics?

Where the slipping of plates occor?

In plate tectonics, a divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary(also known as a constructive boundaryor an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.

Define and relate the following to the plate tectonics theory?

There are 2 tectonics theories namely: divergent boundary and subduction zone. The boundary of the plate tectonics where two plates are placed is called divergent boundary while the subduction zone is a convergent boundary where in one plate is subducted on another.

When two tectonics plates rub against each other what might the result be?

When two tectonic plates rub against each other, they can create earthquakes, as the pressure builds up and is released along the fault line. This movement can also lead to the formation of mountain ranges or ocean trenches, depending on whether the plates are converging or diverging. Additionally, the friction between the plates can cause the rock to deform or break, resulting in volcanic activity if magma reaches the surface.

What is earthquake short answer?

when tectonics plates move suddenly/slip and cause a seismic wave