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Q: Which material resists electricity the best?
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Related questions

What is the measure of how strongly a material resists current?

It is simple. Resistance is the measure of how strongly a material resists a current.

What is anInsulator?

anything that resists electricity

What does a an insulator resists?

Transfering electricity

What carries electricity well?

Silver is the best, then gold, then copper. All carry electricity very well, gold resists corrosion the best and will last the longest without a cleaning.

What metal carries electricity well?

Silver is the best, then gold, then copper. All carry electricity very well, gold resists corrosion the best and will last the longest without a cleaning.

What element resists to electricity?


What is a device that resists the flow of electricity in a circuit?

A resistor.

Resists the flow of heat or electricity glass and rubber?


Why is electricity the best material that conducts heat?

Electricity does not conduct heat. Your question is meaningless.

What keeps electricy in the light bulb in a lamp?

Electricity flows through a light bulb and does not stay in it. Electric current is flowing electrons that has energy. When the electricity flows through some material, the properties of the material resists the flow. This causes the material to heat up and if it is thin and of the right type of material, it will glow. Think of it as a water pipe. When the pipe gets thinner, the water pressure builds up.

Is electricity a raw material?

without any other component, to the best of my knowledge no raw material has that capability.

What is something that resists the flow of heat or electricity?

Something that resists the flow of heat or electricity is called and insulator. An example of this would be rubber. That is why we have rubber around all of our computer cords, lamp cords, phone chargers, etc.