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excitatory postsynaptic potential

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Q: Which membrane potential results in depolorization without a nerve impulse being generated?
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Which membrane potential results in depolarization without a nerve impulse being generated?

excitatory postsynaptic potential

What is the neural impulse generated by the movement of positively charged atoms in and out of channels in the axon's membrane?

simple automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus

What is impulse in the nervous system?

electrical wave conducted along the nerve generated by the voltage difference across the cell membrane of the nerve cells.

This type of potential is a brief electrical impulse produced by ions crossing the axon membrane?

action potential

What is resting potential?

A rest potential is the potential difference between two sides of the membrane of nerve cells when the cell is not conducting an impulse. =)

What is the membrane of a nerve cell is comprised of?

Its main function is to propagate the action potential (the 'impulse') along the length of the axon.

Describe the events occurring in the cell membrane that permit the conduction of an impulse?

When a nerve impulse is conducted, the neuronal cell membrane undergoes changes in electrical potential. This starts with a rapid influx of sodium ions into the cell through voltage-gated sodium channels, depolarizing the membrane. This depolarization triggers the opening of adjacent sodium channels, resulting in an action potential that travels along the membrane. After the impulse passes, the sodium channels close, and potassium channels open, allowing potassium ions to exit the cell and restore the resting potential.

A neuron fires only when its membrane reaches what?

When it reaches the nerve impulse threshold, the next neuron will fire..

What happens when the impulses reaches the axon terminal?

Neurotransmitters are released and go into the synaptic cleft.

Why can a nerve still be alive when a person is dead?

A nerve is simply a line of cells through which electrical impulses travel. These electrical impulses are generated by the movement of Sodium and potassium ions into and out of the cells which generates an action potential (impulse). Nerve cells can be stimulated once a person is dead if an electrical impulse is generated and so appear to be alive.

Is an action potential necessary for a nerve impulse to occur?

Yes, an action potential is needed for a nerve impulse to occur.

Is a action potential necessary for a nerve impulse to occur?

Yes, an action potential is needed for a nerve impulse to occur.