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Mercury forms amalgams with other metals.

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Q: Which metal forms an amalgam which other metals?
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Amalgam is a mixture of mercury with other metals.

What is the structure of amalgum?

amalgam is formed by reaction of mercury with other metal. Na-Hg is sodium amalgam

What does mix with gold?

Gold can be mixed with Mercury - formation of an amalgam; also gold can form alloys with many other metals.

How does CO2 react with metal or metal compounds?

With active metals with the present of moisture, carbon dioxide reacts and forms respective carbonates. With other metals it shows inert behavior.

Is amalgam a homogeneous?

Yes, amalgams are homogeneous.Amalgam [note correct spelling] is usually a homogenous mixture. An amalgam is a solid alloy of mercury, the only metal element that is liquid at standard temperature and pressure, with some other metal.

What is amalgum in chemistry?

An amalgam is a solid alloy of mercury, the only metal element that is liquid at standard temperature and pressure, with some other metal.

Why do metals react with oxygen?

When metals react with oxygen they produce metal oxides. A common example would be that of Iron which in the presence of oxygen and water form rust (a mixture of metal oxides and metal hydroxides)

Is ductile a non metal or metal?

Ductile metals are metals that5 can be shaped and pulled. Gold is a example of a ductile metal so in other words, yes it is a type of metals. Ductility is a property of some metals. It is also a property of materials other than metal.

What is difference between alloy and amalgam?

All combinations of different metals form alloys. An alloy composed by Mercury and other metal is an amalgam. In dentistry, amalgams may be composed by 3, 4, 5 or even more elements, so they are called binary, ternary, etc. Traditional dental amalgams contain Mercury, Silver, Copper, Tin and sometimes Zinc. Other metals like Palladium or Indium have been added by a few manufacturers, to modify the physical properties of the alloy.

What does a ferrous metal contain?

Ferrous refers to anything containing iron, so an example of a ferrous metal would be steel.