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Q: Which metal is kept immersed in kerosene for storing?
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Why do sodium kept immersed in kerosene oil do not burn?

sodium will react with oxygen and kerosene will have no oxygen molecules in it

Why is sodium kept in oil?

Sodium is kept immersed in Kerosene oil because it's extremely reactive and will react with steam or any other substance. So as to obtain it in its pure form, it's kept in oil. Sodium is very reactive metal and it reacts with any thing that comes into contact with it.It is kept under the oil because it might react with air .

Must magnesium metal be also kept under kerosene?


When Sodium metal kept immersed in kerosene as it catches fire if exposed to air but why is it not kept in water?

Because is reacts with water causing hydrogen to be released and catch fire. Na + H2O = NaOH + H also it will also float on water having a density of 0.98 g/cm^3

Why alkali metals are kept in kerosene?

Why. Alkali. Metals are kept. In kerosene

Why phosphorous kept in immersed water?

phosphorous is kept immersed in water because it reacts with air.

Why sodium is kept in kerosene?

Sodium metal reacts violently with water, and is stored in kerosine (for example) to avoid contact with moisture in the air.

Why is sodium kept under kerosene?

Sodium is metal. It is poisonous substance and also highly reactive. It catches fire when exposed in air.

Is it necessary the magnesium metal be kept under kerosene?

For a long term, stable storage this might be useful to prevent oxidation by exclusion of air (oxygen).

What will Sodium must be kept under?

sodium must be kept under kerosene

Is sodium a very reactive metal?

Yes sodium is very reactive metal.Just because of this it is kept in kerosene or some another oil because it is very reactive with oxygen and water.

Why should oil and kerosene kept away from a stove?

to avoid burning accidents