

Which mineral is harder than iron?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Which mineral is harder than iron?
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false a mineral can not scratch any mineral harder than itself

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Yes, Absolutely......... Gold is softer than Iron... Gold becomes Harder because of other components that is being added like Silver and Copper. They add these components to add strength into the Jeweleries.

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Yes. Diamond.

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The mineral fluorite is harder than calcite. Fluorite is represented as a 4 on the Mohs scale of relative mineral hardness, calcite is a 3.

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No, there is no correlation between color and hardness in minerals.

On mohs' hardness scale what mineral is harder than quartz but harder than appetite?

If you mean isn't harder than quartz but harder than apatite ( you spelled it wrong), that would be Orthoclase Feldspar. Else the minerals that are harder than both apatite and quartz are topaz, corundum, and diamond (diamond being the hardest, well the hardest non synthetic mineral).