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Water - H20

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Q: Which molecules have three atoms that do not fall in a straight line?
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What are three primary categories into which food molecules fall?

carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

What happens to atoms in the air when it rains?

The atoms or molecules in the air get pushed aside by the raindrops as they fall through, then the molocules close back up behind the raindrops. It's the same thing that happens when anything moves through the air.

How long would you survive in a black hole?

You would not; you wouldn't survive the tidal forces as you came near the black hole. Your atoms would fall into the event horizon, but your molecules would be destroyed before then.

What effect do electrons from the magnetosphere have on atoms?

They cause the atoms to become "excited."

Why are straight women falling for lesbians today?

Answer Straight women do not fall for lesbians because, well, they are straight. :-)

If you are travelling at X speed and fire something the opposite direction at X speed will it fall straight to the ground?

Yes, it will fall straight to the ground.

Can a gay man fall in love with a straight?

Yes, it's possible, just like a straight man could fall in love with a lesbian woman.

What categories do food molecules fall into?

Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.

When does a liquid gradually change into a gas?

when the distance between the atoms or molecules increases the force of attraction becomes less and the atoms or particles fall apart and generate distances betwen them . gas is the same form of the element just as liquid the only difference is the distance between particles is large and the force of attraction is very less.

Can a straight guy fall in love with a gay?

Although not common it has happened that a straight guy who gets to know a gay guy can fall in love, but the percentages are very low.

When the rain falls which way will it fall if there is no wind?

If there is no wind, the rain will just fall straight down.

What is the difference between gradient and fall?

Fall is the height of a slanted or diagonal straight surface. Gradient is the result of rise divided by fall (rise/fall) (rise over fall)