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Which muscles of the posterior compartment cause flexion of knee?

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Q: Which muscles of the posterior compartment cause flexion of knee?
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There are three main muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh. They are the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus. The biceps femoris runs down the outside of the leg and inserts on the head of the fibula, the semitendinosus runs down the inside of the leg and inserts on the front of the tibia and the semimembranosus runs down the inside of the leg underneath the semitendinosus and inserts on the front of the tibia as well. Together, they cause flexion of the knee and extension of the hip. The three muscles that make up the posterior thigh muscles are:

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i dont know i am the one asking the question *rectus abdominis *aponeurosis of internal oblique *transversus abdominis *aponeurosis of external oblique

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All muscles cause movement due to the contraction of coupled muscle cells. Perhaps the question intended to inquire about muscles that cause a bending in which the joint angle decreases. Muscles of this type are called flexor muscles (biceps for example).