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Q: Which nutrient class is the primary means of storing energy in plants?
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Why are plants considered the primary producers in the ecosystem?

Plants convert solar energy (the primary energy source in the environment) into food and fuel.

What nutrient are passed from living things to the environment?

Sun hit the earth, plants use sun's energy to create sugar from organic compounds. Plants lose heat to the environment. Primary consumers eat the plants, and get energy from them, also loses heat to the environment. Secondary consumers eat the primary consumers, gain energy but also loses heat to the environment. Plants and consumers died and decompose, their body become nutrients for plants and the cycle start all over.

What is the nutrient system of plants?

The nutrient system of plants is clorophil.

Who are the primary consumers of solar energy?

Plants are the primary consumers of the sun's energy. Plants convert the energy into food for themselves and other creatures. Animals eat the plants, thereby transferring their energy to the animal. A plant that produces its own food by using the sun's energy is called an autotroph.

Is primary consumer a producer?

No. A primary consumer is one that gets its energy from plants (producers). Primary consumers are most often known as herbivores. A producer is one that can make its own energy through photosynthesis. These are plants.

How is a nutrient cycle different from a energy pyramid?

It all depends on the plants because plants give off energy to a organism and then that organism gives it to another organism and the process continues.

Why are rabbits considered primary consumers?

Rabbits are primary consumers because they consume plants. Plants are primary producers - storing energy from the sun as they grow. Rabbits consume the plants and so are the first animal in the chain from primary producer through to predator and decomposer organisms.

What is the primary energy source for plants?

Photosynthesis - primarily consisting of sunlight

Primary producers use what from the sun to produce energy?

Primary producers use the light and energy from the sun to produce energy. The primary producers sit on top of the trophic level and are mainly plants and algae.