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Sand and Gravel

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Q: Which ocean resources are second in economic value to oil?
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Which offshore resources are second only to petroleum in economic value?

Im in science and learning about this! I know it is sand & gravel iP have fun

Which factors of production are used by a landscaping service to provide economic value?

labor, capital, and natural resources

What are the five characteristics of economic resources?

a.They are scarce i.e their supply is limited. b.They have mortality value. c.They are evenly distributed. d.They have alternative resources.

What is economic resources?

Economic resources are the assets (things of value) which an economy (or business) may have available to supply and produce goods and services to meet the ever-changing needs and wants of individuals (in the case of a business) and society (in the case of society as a whole.)

How does cultural anthropology definition of economic system?

Cultural anthropology defines an economic system as the structures and processes that societies use to manage their resources and distribute goods and services. It examines how different cultures value, produce, and exchange these resources, considering factors like social organization, technology, and beliefs about wealth and value.

What is direct economic value?

A direct economic value refers to a value that is assigned to harvested or exploited products. One type of direct economic value is consumptive use value.

What are the characteristic of economic resource?

a.They are scarce i.e their supply is limited. b.They have mortality value. c.They are evenly distributed. d.They have alternative resources.

Who create economic value?

Mr. Economic Value Who else?

What are economic resources?

Economic resources are the assets (things of value) which an economy (or business) may have available to supply and produce goods and services to meet the ever-changing needs and wants of individuals (in the case of a business) and society (in the case of society as a whole.)

What is direct economic?

A direct economic value refers to a value that is assigned to harvested or exploited products. One type of direct economic value is consumptive use value.

What the different between direct and indirect economic value of biodiversity?

The direct value of biodiversity means the direct economic value of the products and species that are sold. Indirect economic values include intrinsic, or emotional value of the species.

What is the difference between indirect and direct economic value of biodiversity?

The direct value of biodiversity means the direct economic value of the products and species that are sold. Indirect economic values include intrinsic, or emotional value of the species.