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Q: Which of exercises 17-22 could you solve mentally explain your answer for one exercise?
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What are some exercises I can do on the beach ?

If you want to exercise on the beach you could try running or jogging. Also you could try surfing. This is a fun sport that also exercises your muscles. Another great exercise for the beach is yoga!

What are some examples of exercises one could do with an exercise ball?

Exercises one can do with an exercise ball include Ball Crunch, Ball Push-Up, Ball Shoulder Rotation, Ball Bridge and Ball Leg Curl. Many guides and exercises can be found on the website Ball Exercises.

What is acute exercise?

Acute exercise is an exercise that is short-lived.Acute exercises are meant to be less strenuous exercises for a shorter amount of time. For instance it could be half an hour on the cross trainer or a few minutes skipping.Acute responses = Immediate responses to exercise, such as an increase in body temperature and heart rate.

What exercise is for small muscle group?

There are many exercises you could do for small muscle groups such as smiling. You could also do butt flexes.

What exercise ball exercises help the heart?

There is a range of exercises that can be done using the ball. One website, has photos and instructions about different exercises. Also consider visiting or to find some videos that so you could see exercises being done with the ball.

Is playing games a form of exercise?

It exercises the fingers and thumbs but not much else. Many wii games require for you to move about so they could class as exercise.

What are some easy ab toning exercises for beginners?

If you want to tone your ab muscles, you will have to diet and exercise. Some of the exercises that you could do are sit ups, crunches, leg kicks and dancing.

Anyway to make pregnancy exercises better?

The exercises you do while pregnant have to be done like the doctor says. You could play music or watch television while you exercise. You can even find a buddy to work with.

What are the best exercise routines for a woman in her 60's?

Your best way to exercise is to go for low-impact exercises. You can also go for walks or jogs depending on how active you feel or you could focus on doing cardio exercise at home.

What kind of exercises should be included in an extreme workout?

I think you could add heavy weights to any kind of exercise to make it more difficult. other than that I can't readily think of extreme exercises.

What are some exercises you can do to strengthen your calf muscle?

There are a variety of exercises someone could do to help strengthen their calf muscle. Single-leg and double-leg calf raises are a great exercise for your calves as well as stretching and running.

Where can one practice Plantar Fasciitis exercises without getting hurt?

In my opinion one of the best exercises you could do to help relieve the pain of this condition is simple, gentle yoga. This is a type of exercise that you can do at any gym where there are plenty of professionals there to aid you, but you can also do these exercises at home without any stress.