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Publicly available information such as a person's name, public social media posts, or company contact information would typically not be considered sensitive information.

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Q: Which of the folllowing is not a sensitive information?
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Which is not a method to protect sensitive information?

Posting sensitive information on public social media platforms.

What of these is NOT an example of sensitive information?

Publicly available information is NOT an example of sensitive information. Sensitive information typically includes personal data such as Social Security numbers, credit card information, health records, or confidential business documents. Publicly available information is freely accessible to the public and does not require protection.

What is considered sensitive information?

Sensitive information includes personal data such as social security numbers, financial information, healthcare information, and any other information that, if disclosed, could lead to identity theft, financial loss, or harm to an individual's reputation or safety.

What is sensitive information defined as?

Sensitive information is defined as any data that could potentially cause harm if it is accessed or disclosed without authorization. This includes personal information such as social security numbers, financial data, health records, and passwords. Organizations must take extra precautions to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or misuse.

What are 2 classifications of critical information?

Two classifications of critical information are confidential and sensitive. Confidential information is data that must be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure, while sensitive information is data that, if compromised, could cause harm to an individual or organization.

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You can go to the folllowing website to find out more information about the inflammation diet

Who is in charge of labeling and securing sensitive information?

The forensic specialist is the one in charge of labeling and securing sensitive information.

Which is not a sensitive information?

classified information for public release

When using a fax machine to send sensitive information what you should do?

When faxing sensitive information, you should: - Call the other party to let them know that a sensitive fax is coming in - Place a cover sheet on the fax - Include that there is sensitive information being transmitted on the cover sheet - Confirm that the fax was picked up by the other party - Follow any privacy or sensitive information laws for your jurisdiction.

What type of information are personal payroll medical and operational?

Personal payroll, medical, and operational information are all types of sensitive information.

What is sensitive information?

Secret informtion

How do you respond to the interrogators request to share sensitive security information?

Resist do no provide accurate, complete, or detailed sensitive or classified information.