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Q: Which of the following acronyms refers to the safety procedure that workers should use when performing maintenance or repair on machinery?
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Continue Learning about Industrial Engineering

what does a production engineer do?

Production engineers work on preventative maintenance, fix and improve certain things, work with wires and machines, create manuals and job procedure outlines.

What is the definition of industrial safety?

Industrial safety basically means being able to let your employees be safe from hazardous and eventually fatal things that they may contract in the industrial workplace. This is usually in a form of training for the employees to minimize the risk of being exposed to industrial hazards.

How can someone make a Welding Procedure Specification?

A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is a document that provides variables and conditions of a welding procedure that is produced for a very specific application. To write one properly, experimentation and calculations must be done to find the correct parameters for the procedure. To generalize, a WPS must include all known parameters of the process; including process type, current, current type, voltage, shielding gas type, shielding gas flow rate, base metal, electrode type and size, filler metal type and size, joint design, and travel speed. There may be more variables than listed, depending on the application. One must also remember that on a WPS, ranges for variables are used that are adjustable by the welder or welding operator. Ex. Current (Amperage) 150-170 A instead of just saying 155 A. To find these ranges is where calculations are necessary.

What is the difference between mills and factories?

A mill is a premises which entails a complete process of the manufacturing procedure while the factory is the premises in which some part of the whole process is carried out.

What is the procedure to ensure that the appropriate people are involved when starting up the equipment?

I don't know myself I thought this would helped me .... mehh poo happens nut sackers

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Is circumcision a sterile procedure?

It depends on who is performing the procedure. If a medical doctor is performing the procedure, then yes it will be as sterile as possible with clean instruments, surgical gloves, etc. If a religious authority is performing it (rabbi, etc.), it is probably not a sterile procedure.

How do you audit a procedure?

If there is no paper trail ask questions of persons performing the procedure

What is maintenance procedure definition?

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breathing rate

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What kind of doctors can perform the dermabrasion procedure?

Dermabrasion procedures should be performed by plastic surgeons or dermatologists. Additionally, the doctor performing this procedure should be licensed and capable of performing it.

How do you use the word procedure in a sentencce?

Please be very careful when performing the next step of this delicate procedure. The procedure advances slowly in this phase.

What is a set of rules for performing a mathematical procedure called?

An algorithm, perhaps.

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What is the procedure for preparation of media and maintenance of cultures of E. histolytica in parasitology?

preparation of media and maintenance of cultures of E.histolytica

What is maintenance breeding?

Maintenance breeding is nothing but the breeding procedure followed to maintain the genetic purity of the variety is called as the

Which of the following is general criteria for performing a lockout and or tagout procedure within AFOSH 91 501 Chapter 21?

locks and tags must clearly indicate that the operation of the energy-isolating device is prohibited