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Q: Which of the following are normally found in a urine sample?
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Which of the following substances is normally NOT found in urine?

If you are talking about three substances that are normally found in blood but not in urine, they are leukocytes, erythrocytes and glucose.

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What does free fat detected in a mid stream urine sample mean?

Free fat detected in a mid stream urine sample just simply means that there was fat found in the urine sample. Free fat is just the term used when referring to free globules of fat in urine.

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Which one of the following substances in normally found in urine A blood proteins B red blood cells C hemoglobin D white blood cells E creatinine?

Creatinine is normally found in urine. Blood proteins, red blood cells, and hemoglobin are all abnormal findings. White blood cells would indicate an infection.

Albumin level of 350mg was found in a urine sample?

it is abnormal and high and show kidney dis.

How is a strep infection diagnosed from a urine sample?

Strep infection is not diagnosed from a urine sample.

What is acetone positive in urine means?

It means your urine contains ketones (acetone is a ketone). Ketones aren't normally found in urine, and are a sign of diabetes.

Why is boric acid inside a urine sample bottle?

This is to preserve the urine sample until its tested.

Do labs keep urine after they test it?

There are single-sample tests and split-sample tests. If you've got a split-sample test, the second half of the sample goes into the freezer for six months regardless. For single-sample and the other part of a split-sample test, they retain the sample if it tests positive, but if it tests negative they normally dump it.

Does menstruating contaminate urine sample?

It is very common for a person who is menstruating to contaminate a urine sample. Of course, contaminated urine samples are very common in general.

Does heroin and endone show in urine sample?

Both will show in a urine sample if tests are done to look for those drugs.