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Europeans had little regard for the slaves' lives and treated them terribly

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Q: Which of the following best describes the treatment of African slaves?
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Which of the following describes the Haitian revolution?

A revolt by African slaves in the Caribbean against French colonists.

Which statement best describes the treatment of African slaves during the Middle Passage?

Europeans had little regard for slaves' lives and treated them terribly.

What describes the status of African Americans in the colonies?

They were slaves.

How did the slaves treatment by Europeans compare to their treatment by other African?

While treatment of slaves by Europeans was dehumanizing and brutal, African slave owners also mistreated slaves through practices like forced labor and physical abuse. However, some African societies had more complex relationships with slaves, including opportunities for social mobility or integration into households. Overall, the treatment of slaves varied across different African societies and was not uniform.

Which of the following groups made up the largest portion of Saint-Domingue's population before the Haitian Revolution?

African slaves

What describes the status of African Americans in the American colonies?

They were slaves.

What describes the consequences of European plantation owners' brutal treatment of their African slaves in the Americas?

Huge numbers of Africans died within a few years of arriving in the Americas.

Which of the following describes a similarity between affranchis and African slaves in Saint-Domingue before the Haitian Revolution?

Answer this question… Both were denied political rights because of their race.

What was the best treatment of African slaves during the middle passage?

Quick death.

What describes the Haitian Revolution?

A revolt by African slaves in the Caribbean against French Colonists.

Which of the following describes most slavery in the south?

slaves working in towns and citys

How was the treatment of slaves different in west African cultures than in the Atlantic slave trades?

In West African cultures slaves were treated like people, while in the Atlantic slave trade they were treated like property.