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use the 'usermod' command, which exists on all unixes:

usermod -d /path/to/new/homedir/ username

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Q: Which of the following can be used to change a user's home directory?
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Which environment variable stores the users path to their home directory?

The HOME environment variable has this information.

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How do you change from your home directory in Linux to q2-jan14 directory?

cd /q2-jan14

How do you save items to your home directory at school?

In order to save items to your home directory at school, you will need to take the following steps:\tCreate the file or folder you wish to save\tEnsure that your school's network is connected\tOpen the File Explorer window\tNavigate to the network drive that contains your home directory\tOpen your home directory and save the file or folderBy following these steps, you should be able to save items to your home directory at school.

How can you get a list of users in Linux?

to get all users of the system : cat /ect/passwd (the 1st words, before the semicolon, are the usernames) You can use the following commands to only display the names of the users (not the rest of the information): cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 == == == == OR you can use the following command to just return users who have a home directory under /home (useful if you are not interested in "special" users): cat /etc/passwd | grep /home | cut -d: -f1 to get only the usernames of people using the system : ls /home/ Answer To see only who is logged on at any given moment, type... who and press the enter key.

Change to the dev directory next access home directory using a tilde in the command that you employ?

CD dev CD ~

What does CD means in Linux os?

If by "CD" you mean the linux terminal command "cd", it stands for "change directory". It allows you to move from one directory to another. It's basically the same as Window's cd / will take you to the very first directory, which is the root directory. (Do not confuse this with /root directory)cd .. will take you one directory upcd ~ will take you to your (currently logged in user's) home directory, which is, (/home/)cd - will take you back to where you were before you change directories.

How are directory paths indicated in Linux?

The root directory is /. The home directory is /home/user.

What is Linux command CD?

change directory. cd /home/user/ wil take you to the home folder of that user. With cd .. you go down a folder, so if you're in /home/user and type "cd .." you wil then be in the /home/ directory.

What is the default directory for the user's home directory?

The default home directory is /home/user (where "user" is the username), sometimes shortened to "~".

What command will return you to your home directory regardless of where you are in the file system?

PWD Although pwd will tell you where you are it won't change back to your home directory. For that, use the 'cd' command without any parameters