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A earthquake on a sea floor

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Q: Which of the following could cause a Tsunami?
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Could a volcano effect Louisiana?

yes , it could cause a tsunami

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Which of the following is the most likely way in which a volcanic event off the coast of Japan count significantly affect the coast of California?

(APEX) An undersea earthquake could cause a tsunami that crosses the ocean.

When one plate moves under another this can cause?

it could cause an earthquake and a tsunami. or a volcano to be formed

Which of the following can cause damage days or month after a large earthquake?

the arrival of surface waves liquefaction a tsunami an aftershock

Is Washington going to have a big tsunami?

It will probably happen eventually. This is a plate boundary just of the cause that could trigger an earthquake and tsunami, but there's no telling when it will happen. Other areas along the Pacific could produce a tsunami that would reach Washington

What will you do if tsunami is following you?

I will run as fast as i can and go into the place where tsunami will not reach.

Did the 1906 earthquake cause a tsunami if yes where?

No, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 did not cause a tsunami.

What was the cause of the Japanese tsunami in 2011?

An earthquake caused the tsunami!

What is the main cause of death amongst tsunami victims?

The main cause of death is not the tsunami itself but the buildings that get damaged in the a bridge or building that falls. The main cause is the water drowning people and building being destroyed. The building may contain people inside it or could crush some people when it falls.

What is man's role in creating tsunami effects?

None.The Earth moves or a meteorite, earthquake, or other underwater occurrence can make a Tsunami form. But,Oil drilling in the ocean Could cause a small earthquake, but not enough to trigger a tsunami.

How is a flood and a tsunami different?

A flood is a lot of water. A tsunami is a big wave. A tsunami can cause a flood.