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"Because their catalytic role renders most enzymes ineffective after their initial activity, a cell must produce large amounts of each enzyme in order to perform effectively."

this is incorrect because 99+% of enymes are used until the cells dies because they are costly (in energy terms) to make.

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Q: Which of the following is not one of the three basic steps involved in enzyme activity?
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The basic function of a coenzyme?

A coenzyme helps an enzyme do its' work. Without the coenzyme, the enzyme will remain inactive.

How does temperature and pH affect amylase activity and why?

Both temperature and pH can affect the shape and structure of the amylase enzyme, ultimately impacting its activity. Amylase works optimally at a specific temperature and pH level. Deviations from these optimal conditions can denature the enzyme, reducing its ability to catalyze reactions effectively. High temperatures or extreme pH levels can disrupt the enzyme's active site, leading to a decrease in enzyme-substrate interactions and decreased enzyme activity.

How does pH affect enzyme activity Use the enzymes pepsin and trypsin as examples?

Enzymes work within a range of pH levels. Pepsin, which is found in the stomach works in an acidic environment, while trypsin functions in a basic surrounding in the intestines. Increasing or decreasing the pH levels can stop the activity of these enzymes.

What is the enzyme's optimum pH?

I believe it's 7.3, the pH of human blood, as most enzymatic reactions occur there. However, there are special enzymes, such as the ones which are in the stomach, which work best at around a pH of 2.

How are enzymes degraded?

Enzymes are degraded by proteolytic enzymes that break down the peptide bonds in the protein structure. This degradation can occur in lysosomes, which contain acidic hydrolases, or in the cytoplasm with the help of proteasomes. Enzyme degradation is important for regulating enzyme levels and activity in the cell.

Related questions

What is the effect of pH upon the relative enzyme activity?

Different enzymes work best at different pH. This is refered to as the ideal pH for the enzyme. For example, the digestive enzyme trypsin works best at an acidic pH while alkaline phosphatase works best at a basic pH. Therefore, enzyme activity varies with pH and this variation depends on the enzyme being studied

What are the principles involved in inversion of sucrose?

The principles that are involved in inversion of sucrose are the basic mechanisms for enzyme catalyzed reactions. These mechanisms were first proposed by Michaelis and Menten in 1913.

The basic function of a coenzyme?

A coenzyme helps an enzyme do its' work. Without the coenzyme, the enzyme will remain inactive.

How the organic solvents inhibit enzyme activity?

The organic solvents are either acidic or basic and capable of producing protons and ions. These protons and ions changes the pH of the solution in which they are present. Once the pH is changed the amino acids cannot retain its original form. They tend to form either cation or anion which inturn alters the normal structure of the protein (enzyme) and hence the activity is also inhibited.

Is blood considered neutral on PH scale?

No, blood is slightly basic with a pH around 7.35-7.45. This pH range is necessary for the body to maintain proper functioning and support enzyme activity.

What effect do acidic and basic solutions have on enzyme moleculues?

Acidic and basic solutions can alter the shape and structure of enzyme molecules by disrupting the bonds that maintain their specific shape (tertiary structure). This can result in denaturation of the enzyme, making it less effective or non-functional. Enzymes typically function optimally within a specific pH range, and extreme pH levels can impact their activity.

Collagen and keratin are examples of which basic type of protein?


What happens to an enzyme when it is placed in an acid solution?

When an enzyme is placed in an acid solution, the acidic pH can disrupt the enzyme's structure by altering its hydrogen bonding and ionic interactions. This change in structure may cause the enzyme to lose its catalytic activity and denature.

How does temperature and pH affect amylase activity and why?

Both temperature and pH can affect the shape and structure of the amylase enzyme, ultimately impacting its activity. Amylase works optimally at a specific temperature and pH level. Deviations from these optimal conditions can denature the enzyme, reducing its ability to catalyze reactions effectively. High temperatures or extreme pH levels can disrupt the enzyme's active site, leading to a decrease in enzyme-substrate interactions and decreased enzyme activity.

What is the PH of lipase?

The pH of lipase enzymes typically ranges from 6 to 8, with an optimal pH for activity around 7. Lipase enzymes are most effective in neutral to slightly basic pH environments. Extreme acidic or alkaline conditions can denature the enzyme and affect its activity.

How does pH affect enzyme activity Use the enzymes pepsin and trypsin as examples?

Enzymes work within a range of pH levels. Pepsin, which is found in the stomach works in an acidic environment, while trypsin functions in a basic surrounding in the intestines. Increasing or decreasing the pH levels can stop the activity of these enzymes.

What are 3 conditions that can effect the rate of enzymes?

TemperatureAs you increase the temperature of the system in which the enzyme is involved in, the rate of catalysis of the enzyme increases. However, one must make take note that the optimum temperature of the enzyme must not be surpassed because very high temperatures could change the structure of the protein-based enzyme, rendering the enzyme ineffective.Surface Area of the substrateIf you increase the surface area of the substrate, the enzyme will bind to more sites on the substrate and the rate of the reaction will therefore be faster.pHDifferent enzymes work in different environments. One of the factors that determine the state of the environment in which the enzyme operates is its pH. There are enzymes that exhibit optimum rate of catalysis of reactions at in an acidic environment while there are some that exhibit their optimum rate at a basic environment, while yet others only operate in relatively neutral environments.