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There is no legal difference between a terrorist act and simple violence, except for political purposes. Though certain crimes are intrinsically terrorist in nature. It's difficult to argue that any mass-casualty event is an attack but not a terrorist attack. Though legally in the united states there is no provision for mass casualties as opposed to a collection of individual crimes. If you were to blow up 200 people using 200 small bombs it is legally the same with regards to the murder charges as killing 200 people with one large bomb.

There is the word "terroristic" in legal use however: meaning intending to inspire terror, this is used in the elements of the crime "terroristic threats."

To summarize the use of the term "terrorist attack" is a political one and not a legal one, however some laws do refer to "terroristic" meaning seeking to cause fear.

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Terrorism uses violence that specifically targets civilian populations to induce fear

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Q: Which of the following makes terrorism distinct from an act of war?
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What makes terrorism distinct from an act of war?

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