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It can cause fetal damage so if you are in pain and needs something once in awhile they recommend Tylenol. If you however needs it a lot you need to speak to your doctor.

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11y ago

it is linked to low birth weight and infant death

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Q: Which of the following statements is true about regular aspirin use during pregnancy?
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What is the difference between extra strength aspirin and regular aspirin?

Extra strength aspirin has more active ingredients than regular strength aspirin. The active ingredient in aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. The more of this, the more strength. Basically extra strength has more acetylsalicylic acid then regular aspirin.

Can you take aspirin with tromadol?

Regular aspirin would be safe if you needed it .if you are on tramadol then not mix it with aspirin.

How many grams does a regular aspirin have?


Can you substitute baby aspirin for real aspirin?

Yes, you can. Baby aspirin is the same as regular aspirin, just 1/4 of the regular amount (81mg instead of 330 mg). Since aspirin causes stomach bleeding, it is advisable to only take small amounts of it. 1-2 pills of baby aspirin usually works fine for me.

How many milligrams are in one aspirin?

It depends on what type of aspirin you're talking about. A low-dose is 81mg and a regular aspirin is 325 mg.

How many baby aspirin equal 1 regular aspirin?

Type your answer here... four

How much is one regular aspirin?

80 mg for most.

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Is low dose aspirin the same as baby aspirin?

81mg is the common dosage for "baby" aspirin

Can the formula of aspirin be changed to produce less irritation to stomach?

Aspirin is "acetylsalicylic acid". Changing the chemical, changes the action. What is commonly done, is to coat the aspirin with a compound that does not let the aspirin dissolve in the stomach. This is called an "enteric coating". This helps a lot with stomach upset from taking regular aspirin.

What are side affects from taking aspirin and Tylenol together?

If you take a dose of Tylenol and a dose of regular aspirin together, you would be overdosing, which could lead to death, but why would you do that when you could just take Tylenol brand aspirin, instead of a different type of Tylenol and an aspirin.

How long after your period could a tubal pregnancy be diagnosed?

Yes, most women have normal periods following a tubal ligation. If you're cycle isn't regular see your OB/GYN.