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Q: Which of the scientists in question 6.a. believed in the caloric theory?
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What was before the big bang theory?

Before the Big Bang theory, many scientists believed that the universe was static, or infinitely unchanging.

What is the definition of caloric theory in physics?

Caloric theory said that heat is travelling from hot body to cold one in form of a fluid and this fluid is called as caloric , this is actually the problem because you know that heat is a form of energy where as the scientist presenting the theory says it is a fluid.

Which scientist developed the caloric theory?

There is one version of the caloric theory that was introduced by Antoine Lavoisier. Lavoisier developed the explanation of combustion in terms of oxygen in the 1770s

How does a scientists theory differ from a hypothesis?

Theories are proven. Hypothesis are ideas.

What was the one thing that LaVoisier was incorrect about?

Caloric theory.

What two scientist believed that the earth revolved around the sun?

Many scientists believed this. Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to propose this idea however, and many other scientists believed in his theory as well, such as Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and so on.

Why did other scientists question the theory of plate tectonics?

At the time when this theory was a-brewing, it was difficult to provide conclusive data and evidence.

Why might a scientists theory might not be believed even if it correct?

A scientist's theory might not be believed even it is correct, if the theory is such a radical departure from existing beliefs that it seems bizarre. The theory of continental drift (which, of course, was eventually accepted) was resisted for decades because it just seemed obvious to people that the continents are not drifting, since we do not notice any such motion. It could also happen that a scientist has a valid theory but has not adequately explained, or experimentally tested that theory. Other scientists require evidence in order to accept a theory.

Why do otherwise good scientists ignore the plate tectonics theory despite the evidence that exists for it?

When the theory of plate tectonics was first published in the early 1900s, it was dismissed by main stream scientists as being ridiculous - because many if not most of those scientists believed in the "steady state" of the Earth theory - things don't change or change very little. Today, the theory of plate tectonics has been supported by scientific study and discovery, beginning in the 1950s - and the vast majority of scientists today believe in it.

Who believed in the force theory?

No one officially knows who believed in the force theory.

What do scientists think about the theory of evolution?

The overwhelming majority of scientists accept the theory of evolution by natural selection. Any scientists that do not accept the theory usually do so for religious reasons.

How did Benjamin Thompson's experiment disprove the caloric theory?

he never disproved it it it was only improved