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Q: Which of these are the pigments that absorb blue-violet and blue-green light and reflect red orange and yellow light?
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Related questions

Pigments act differently from light because they reflect their own color and all the others?

Pigments act differently from light because they reflect their own color and all the others absorb.

Why does an object reflect some colours only and absorb the rest?

The pigments used absorb some wavelengths of light and reflects the rest back to your eyes.

True or false Chlorophyll pigments absorb mostly green wavelenghts and reflect blue and red wavelenghs?

This is TRUE

How do accessory pigments differ from chlorophyll a?

Accessory Pigments absorb energy that chlorophyll a does not absorb.

Why is it the darker the surface will have the higher temperature?

A dark surface will absorb the heat and reach a higher temperature. A light surface will reflect most of the heat and become cooler.

Why coloured light produce colour by addition and pigment produce by subtraction?

Lights are coloured by the light they emit and are additive, while pigments are coloured by the light they absorb/reflect and are subtractive.

What pigments absorb light energy during Photosynthesis?

chlorophylls a and b absorb blue and green light.

Why do different pigments have different colors?

Different pigments absorb light of different wavelengths.

What do pigments absorb during photosynthesis?

light energy

What is the colored chemical compounds that absorb light?


Substances able to absorb visible light?


What molecules other than chlorophyll absorb and reflect certain colors?

Several other pigments are found in plants beside chlorophyll. These are: anthocyanin's which reflect red, blue, purple, or magenta colors; carotenoids which reflect yellow, orange, or red and absorb blue light; and phycobilins which are found in algae.