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economic hardship in the united states

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Q: Which of these factors made it possible for George H. W. Bush to keep his promise to not raise taxes?
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Which of these factors made it impossible for George H. W. Bush to keep his promise not to raise taxes?

((apex)) Economic hardship in the United States or The budget deficit

What factor made it impossible for George H. W. Bush to keep his promise not to raise taxes?

Military Expenses

Which of these factors made it impossible for George H. W. Bush to not raise taxes?

"It's the economy, stupid!" (Bill Clinton)

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The US has had two Presidents named George Bush, those being George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. So you should state which one you are asking about (although they both made similar promises, as indeed all Presidents do, to solve the problems of America).

Which president promised not to raise taxes but did?

George H. W. Bush promised not to raise taxes but conditions made that impossible.

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