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Q: Which of these governments allows its citizens to make decisions for themselves?
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Which government allows citizens to make decisions for themselves?


What kind of government allows citizens to make political decisions in Greece?

Direct Democracy, as practiced in Ancient Athens, allowed citizens to make political decisions.

What is a direct democracy about?

Direct democracy allows citizens to make policy decisions through a majority vote. In contrast, representative democracies allow citizens to elect representatives to make policy decisions for them.

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Why is trial by jury an essential right?

it allows peole to be udged by ordinary citizens like themselves

Why is the dimacratic government important?

A government that exists because its citizens have "created" it is important as it allows its citizens access to official positions by the ballot box not by a tyranny. So-called democratic governments are responsible to its citizens not the other way around. So what this allows is freedom which makes for a prosperous, open, civil rights based government. These types of governments produce peace & prosperity for the general population.

What do you mean by right to information?

The right to information is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to access information held by public bodies. It helps promote transparency, accountability, and participation in governance by enabling citizens to make informed decisions and hold governments accountable for their actions.

What is the importance of having the right to trial by jury?

it allows peole to be udged by ordinary citizens like themselves

True or false The concept of liberty allows citizens to protect themselves by telling lies about other people?

False !!

what governments allows the use of the initiative, the referendum, and the recall?

some state governments

What statement is the best description of a referendum?

A referendum is a direct vote by citizens on a specific issue or policy. It allows the public to have a say and make decisions on important matters that affect the community or country.

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