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I think either is good. Gmail allows you to chat and email while facebook suggests ur friends. If u have more questions, then email me @

Also if u want to find out if this is a REAL email, then ask torture good or bad? and the answer's up.

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Facebook and Gmail both have different purpose. Gmail is a pure mailing site from Google. Facebook is a social network helping to reconnect people.

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How can you create facebook on Gmail?

You cannot create a Facebook ID on Gmail. Facebook ID can be created on Facebook via Gmail. The confirmation mail is also received on Gmail.

I have linked Gmail to my facebook account but I cannot access facebook using Gmail How can I access it?

You cannot access Facebook account using Gmail. You have to use it using the Facebook site only. Gmail is just for confirming the account.

How can you delete your facebook account using Gmail account?

No, you can't delete Facebook using Gmail. To delete Facebook, you have to go on their website. Gmail just is an interface.

Can you login to Facebook with your Gmail?

I think you can use any valid email you like.

Can you see facebook chat text in Gmail?

No, you can't see facebook Chat text in Gmail. Gmail is a mailing service only. Thus it cannot link Facebook chat with it.

Will your Facebook account be deleted if you delete your Gmail account?

No it won't. Gmail is from Google, which is a separate company to Facebook, and so there is no connection when deleting a Gmail account.

How can you recover your Gmail using your facebook account?

No, you cannot recover Gmail using Facebook. You have to recover it via Gmail only. Both of these are different organisations.

How do you sign up using gmail id?

You can create a Facebook account via Gmail. This links Gmail to connect with Facebook. The mails that you receive from Facebook are on this mail.

How do you disable facebook from Gmail account?

One can disable Facebook notifications on Gmail by first logging into Facebook. Once logged in one must go to settings and then to notifications. Uncheck the boxes that say send confirmations to email and it is done.

How do you get someone's Facebook password using there gmail password?

Facebook's passwords are not accessible via Gmail. Gmail does not store passwords anywhere. The most it does is receive notifications.

How do you confirm account on facebook from Gmail?

When you first sign up on Facebook, they send a mail on Gmail. This is the mail of confirmation from Facebook. You have to click on the link to get confirmed.

How do you open Gmail id in Facebook?

how open gmailid in facebook