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Q: Which one of the following is not a web browser for personal computers?
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Which of the following events in the new millennium made it clear that the information age had arrived?

The widespread adoption of the internet and the development of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter played a significant role in making it clear that the information age had arrived in the new millennium. Additionally, the rise of smartphones and mobile technology further accelerated the access and dissemination of information on a global scale.

What two events at the start of the millennium made it clear that the information age had arrived?

The launch of Wikipedia and the benchmark at which one billion personal computers had been sold.

Is one of the more widely used Web browsers for personal computers called Opera?

No, the more widely used web browser for a PC are Internet Explorer and Firefox. Opera is one of the more widely used browsers for mobile devices.

Where can one download the genome browser?

One can download the genome browser from the following sources: UCSC Genome Browser, Broad Institute, GMOD, Source Forge, Open Helix, Artemis Genome Browser Download, 1000 Genomes, to name a few.

Does the system unit on most personal computers contain at least one hard disk?

Yes. Some very old personal computers did not have them, but all modern ones do.

Where can one find images of old computers?

The best place to find images of old computers is the old computers website. There you can browser different models, when they came out, specifications, and images of them.

How do military computers impact personal computers?

Military Computers are Created for one Purpose, Military work. Military computers are highpowered so they can hold Classified Information, The Best Firewalls, and everything to stop hackers, Personal Computers have different purposes, and Range from RAM and Firewall Usage

How many computers can you install Windows 7 on?

With personal license only on one.

Should you purchase an extended warranty on computers?

(the following is the submitter's personal experience and recommendation) For Apple computers, my personal rule of thumb has always been: If the computer meets any of the following criteria... * has a built-in LCD * is a portable computer * is not designed to be user-upgradeable or serviceable * is a custom configuration * is business-critical ...then it gets AppleCare, if for nothing else than for the peace of mind. I've had it on all but one of my Macs, and I've only needed it on two computers, but it more than paid for all I've spent on AppleCare.

Is personal computers are mini or micro computers?

Well as minicomputers are typically between the size of a 2 to 4 drawer file cabinet and microcomputers are typically smaller than one file drawer; personal computers are typically microcomputers.Well as minicomputers usually have a multichip processor and microcomputers usually have a single chip processor; personal computers are typically microcomputers.

Why are servers are called personal computers?

A server is not a personal computer but a centralized system for data storage. A personal computer is usually one hard drive and a monitor.

Which one of the following would not be a personal computer?

Originally, the distinction was made between personal computers which were relatively smaller, less powerful machines used by individuals at their homes, and business computers used by big companies, which were larger and more powerful. As computing technology has advanced over the decades, personal computers are now much more powerful than the previous business computers used to be, and now most businesses use exactly the same kind of computers that individuals use. However, there are some businesses that still require more powerful computers than the personal computer. Banks, for example, have greater needs. There are also special computers used for scientific research.