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Q: Which order suggests that plague was not a new problem in the 17th century?
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The capitals of the Roman Empire in the West in chronological order are?

Rome, then Ravenna in the 5th century

Which set of events in 19th and 20th century Chinese history is in the correct chronological order?

Opium wars, long march, great leap forward, four modernizations

What is the order of these units of time - second day hour century week month fortnight decade millennium?

From smallest to largest:secondhour (60 minutes, 3600 seconds)day (24 hours)week (7 days)fortnight (14 days, from fourteen night)month (28 to 31 days)decade (10 years, 120 months)century (10 decades, 100 years)millennium (1000 years)The only standard unit missing is the minute (60 seconds).

What problems did the roman republic face?

Ancient Greeks faced problems of many kinds in their effort to survive and to thrive. Natural hardships such as disease, famine, and weather vicissitudes had to be faced. Competition from their neighbors within Greek civilization (rival city-states and alliances) as well as overseas threats from the aggressive empire of Persia were other problems.

Why did law and order break down in Europe after the fall of Rome?

The breakdown of law and order was a problem of the Carolingian empire which was established by Charlemagne in 800, some 300 years after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. This was due to the problem of succession. Following Frankish custom, the empire was partitioned among the sons of the dead emperor. This repeatedly led to wars between the sons, in which other close relatives also got involved. It created a complex web of wars around most of the empire. The constant state of war led to the breakdown of central power and law and order, the rise of feudalism and the fall of the Carolingian empire 88 years later.

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"first" suggests order, "at first" suggests time is involved and also that something will change

What creatures did god send as plagues?

I assume that you are referring to the Ten Plagues in Exodus. In order, they are: 1) The plague of water turning into blood 2) The plague of frogs 3) The plague of gnats 4) The plague of flies 5) The plague of livestock death 6) The plague of sores 7) The plague of hail 8) The plague of locusts 9) The plague of darkness 10) The plague of first-born death

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it is generally thought that the black plague originated in China, but the earliest known appearance of the black death was in a christian (nestorian) community just south of Lake Balkhash in southern kazakhstan

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Pandora was not a goddess. She was the first woman ever created in order to be a plague to men.

How did the plague impact workers and Jews?

Jews were beaten and killed. Workers were forced to clean the dead bodies in order for food.

What religious order was not founded in the 19th century?

The Franciscans, Dominicans, and Benedictines are examples of religious orders that were not founded in the 19th century. These orders have long histories, with roots going back to the Middle Ages and even earlier in some cases.

Why was the theatres shut in 1593?

The theatres closed because of an outbreak of the plague. They re-opened in late 1594.