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Q: Which organinsm might be at the top of the food chain in a deciduous forest?
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Which organism might be at the top of the food chain in a deciduous forest?

a hawk can be at the top of the food chain. Also a owl can be at the top of the food chain.

What might happen if the deciduous forest didn't exist?


What might happen if the temperate deciduous forest didn't exist?


What type of animals in the deciduous forest?

i think it could be elk squirrels or anything that might live in a forest

How long does it take to travel to deciduous forest in a plane?

Please thing about your questions before you ask them. We have no idea where you are, so can't possibly estimate how far it is from you to a deciduous forest. Deciduous forests are pretty common in the temperate latitudes, so you might not have to travel at all.

What might happen to the animals in a deciduous forest if winter lasted year round?

the poor animals' lives would be in danger

What are the plants for the coniferous forest?

The dominate tree species will be various species of pine and fir, although some deciduous species might be present.

How do temperate rain forests differ from tropical rain forests?

Temperate rain forests are usually coastal and have cooler summers and milder winters than Tropical rain forests. Also Temperate rain forests have summer fogs that keep it moist. temperate rain forests also have lots of moss and consists of Deciduous trees.

2 Describe a food chain that might occur in a forest community In an ocean community In a desert community?

Food chain in a forest might consist of plants being eaten by deer, which will in turn be eaten by bears. The food chain in an ocean community would consist of small fish eating algae, which are in turn eaten by larger fish.

What might happen to the animals in a deciduous forest if winter lasted a whole year?

Most times, the average temperature in a deciduous forest is around 50*. This allows for a change of seasons. The animals in this forest adapt and depend on a change of seasons. If winter lasted an entire year, all of the plants and trees would lose their leaves for that year. This would cause the animals to lose shelter and cover they seek from these plants. Animals would also lose any food they depend on from those plants. SO, the animals in that deciduous forest would probably die if winter lasted an entire year.

Are dogwood trees abundant in temperate deciduous rain forest?

Actually, dogwoods live in temperate deciduous forests. Dogwoods like lots of sun, so they might be able to live in some forest. Temperate rainforest are usually way far north and the dogwood would not survive. The dog is not a conifer so it loses it leaves in the fall. The dogwood blooms in the spring.

Where are the worlds tropical deciduous forests located?

Tropical deciduous forests are found in India, Myanmar, South China, East Brazil and Central parts of America. These forests thrive in regions where the climate is hot with distinct wet and dry seasons.