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the third part, in which ships sailed from

the Americas back to Europe

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Q: Which part of the Triangular Trade would have been helped by the Gulf Stream?
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Related questions

What is one of the consequences of the Triangular Trade?

One consequence of the Triangular Trade was the spread of diseases between continents. The movement of people and goods increased the transmission of diseases like smallpox and measles, leading to devastating impacts on indigenous populations in the Americas.

What was it called the triangular trade?

because the trade would take a route shaped like a triangle

Why was the west indies important to the workings of the triangular trade?

the enslaved africans would be taken to the colonies

How did triangular trade work?

A class member would trade 23 pencils for 1 apple, then she would trade that 1 apple to her dog for a dollar, then trade the dollar for a huge race car gummy and the process would repeat over and over again.

How did the triangular trade work?

A class member would trade 23 pencils for 1 apple, then she would trade that 1 apple to her dog for a dollar, then trade the dollar for a huge race car gummy and the process would repeat over and over again.

The term triangular trade referred to the exchange of?

goods, slaves, and commodities between Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the 16th to 19th centuries. Europe sent manufactured goods to Africa, where they were exchanged for slaves who were then transported to the Americas to work on plantations. The products from the plantations, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, were then sent back to Europe.

What was the most inhuman aspect of the triangular trade?

The most inhuman aspect of the triangular trade was the capture and transport of African slaves under brutal conditions to the Americas, where they were treated as property and subjected to extreme exploitation and abuse.

Which groups experienced hardships because of the triangular trade?

Africans were greatly impacted by the triangular trade as they were captured, enslaved, and forcibly transported to the Americas. Indigenous peoples in the Americas also faced hardships as they were exploited for labor or displaced from their lands to make way for European settlers.

What was the traigular trade slave?

Ships would take rum to Africa and trade for slaves; take the slaves to the West Indies and trade them for molasses; and take the molasses to a distillery and have it processed into rum. The word is "triangular."

How did trade help cities and states develop?

Trade helped cities and states because they would trade stuff they had with stuff they didn't

A slave-trade cycle initiated by ship owners was known as?

The slave-trade cycle initiated by ship owners was called the triangular trade. These ships from England would bring goods like beads, rum, weapons, and salt to Africa and exchanges these goods for people who were then enslaved and brought to America on these ships. The ships would take on goods like rum, tobacco, molasses, or sugar and go back to England, where the triangular trade cycle would begin again.

How did the triangular trade affect European rulers?

The Triangular Trade made Europe a definitely wealthier country. They would trade slaves out to other places. The triangle part of this title stands for the ships trading between America, Africa and Europe. Slaves would be captured and bought or traded for goods in Africa, then shipped on boats to Europe and ended up in America for slavery purposes there.