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rum, molasses, and slaves

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3d ago

goods, slaves, and commodities between Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the 16th to 19th centuries. Europe sent manufactured goods to Africa, where they were exchanged for slaves who were then transported to the Americas to work on plantations. The products from the plantations, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, were then sent back to Europe.

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3y ago

The triangular trade, traders from New England would bring rum to Africa, and in return, they would acquire African slaves. These slaves then brought to the West Indies and sold to sugarcane plantations to harvest the sugar for molasses.

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Q: The term triangular trade referred to the exchange of?
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Which of these is a long-term cost of the Atlantic slave trade?

One long-term cost of the Atlantic slave trade is the generational impact it had on African families and communities who were torn apart and disrupted. This led to social disintegration, loss of culture and identity, and intergenerational trauma that continues to affect descendants today.

What were the effects of the slave trade on the Americas and on Africa?

The slave trade had devastating effects on both the Americas and Africa. In the Americas, it led to the brutal exploitation and dehumanization of enslaved Africans, contributing to the economic prosperity of European colonizers. In Africa, the slave trade resulted in the loss of millions of people through violence, displacement, and disrupted societies, leading to long-term social, political, and economic consequences.

Is it true that a mulatto is a person of Africans and Europeans ancestry?

Yes, historically, the term "mulatto" referred to a person of mixed African and European ancestry. However, this term is now considered outdated and potentially offensive, so it is better to use more respectful and accurate terminology such as biracial or mixed-race.

Why is Africans called black gold by Europeans?

The term "black gold" refers to Africa's natural resources, particularly oil, which are of high value and importance to European countries due to their economic significance. Africans themselves are not typically referred to as "black gold" by Europeans.

Can shemale give pregrency to a child?

No, individuals who are commonly referred to as "shemales" are transgender women who have not undergone bottom surgery. They do not have reproductive organs capable of impregnating someone or becoming pregnant themselves. Pregnancy requires a uterus and functional ovaries, which transgender women do not have.

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The triangle trade and the Columbian Exchange?

The Triangular change and the Columbian exchange is the same thing Columbian exchange is a long term for The Triangular Trade.

The term triangle trade referred to the exchange of?

Slaves, sugar, and rum in the 18th century.

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What term referred to the terrible journey made by the African slaves across the Atlantic to America?

This was called the Middle Passage. The Middle Passage the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of people from Africa were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade. African slaves were thereafter traded for raw materials, which were returned to Europe to complete the "Triangular Trade".

What was the 3 part trade system that traded goods and slaves called?

The general term for this is "triangular trade".

What was the triangular trade?

Triangular trade or triangle trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions.

Wha was triangluar trade?

Triangular trade or triangle trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions. Triangular trade usually evolves when a region has export commodities that are not required in the region from which its major imports come.

What term indicated the exchange of goods and services between countries?

The exchange of goods and services between countries is called international trade.

Term used for the second leg of the route known as the triangular trade, which carried enslaved Africans to the Americas?

The Middle Passage

What was the triangluar trade?

Triangular trade is a historical term. It indicates trade among three regions or ports. Triangular trade is a multilateral system of trading here countries pay for imports from a specific country with what it exports to another country.

Is triangle an adjective?

No, it is not. Triangle is a noun, a shape or anything with three sides. The adjective form is triangular.* In the popular historical term, triangle trade, it is acting as a noun adjunct in place of the adjective triangular.

What term to describe the exchange of goods?

That is called Trade Barter Commerce Swapping Returns (an probably a whole lot more)