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Q: Which part of the brain sends impulses to the motor cortex of the cerebrum?
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What part of the brain controls motor movement?

motor cortex

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What central lobe of the brain is the primary motor cortex?

The somatic motor cortex is located in the human brain. It can be found in the posterior portion of the frontal lobe.

What part of brain controls tying your shoes?

primary motor area of cerebral cortex ,cerebrum

Where is located the primary motor cortex?

The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus of the the frontal lobe of the cerebrum.

Is the cerebrum the motor command center?

The cerebrum is not the motor command center, but it is involved in controlling voluntary movements. The primary motor cortex in the cerebrum is responsible for sending signals to the muscles to initiate movement. Other areas of the brain, such as the cerebellum and basal ganglia, also play important roles in coordinating and refining motor commands.

Where is Motor cortex found?

The motor cortex is found in the brain.

What part of the brain controls the muscular system?

The cerebellum functions to control the skeletal muscles. It is also involved in some cognitive functions such as attention and language, and in regulating fear and pleasure responses.the motor cortex

A motor homunculus lives here?

motor cortex of the brain

What part of the body is associated with the greatest amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex?

The face is the body part that is associated with the greatest amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex. The motor cortex is the part of the brain that does the controlling and execution of movements.

Which brain part associated with walking?

The motor cortex, located in the cerebral cortex.

What are the three main regions of the brain?

I'm not an expert, but the major lobes are the Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, and the Temporal Lobes. Other important areas would be the Cerebellum, Wernicke's Area, Broca's Area, Thalamus, Amygdala, Hypothalamus, Hippocampus, the Sensory cortex and the Motor cortex. I think those are the main parts of the brain. There are obviously a lot more areas, but those are the most known areas from what I've read.