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the eardrum/ pinna

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Q: Which part of the ear has a solid medium?
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What is the difference between liquid and solid medium?

In wave motion, the media are said to be liquid and solid according to the states of media themselves, that is, if a medium is in solid state then the medium is said to be solid medium and if the medium is in liquid state, then the medium is said to be liquid medium.

Example of solid medium in which a sound can be transmitted?

Think of a solid and there's your answer. Wood, metals, glass... Imagine putting your head on a solid, ear down, which materials would best transport the sound to you if someone tapped the same solid but a metre away? Those are the the solids that best transmit sound.

Air is a medium through which sound travels What are the other mediums?

Sound can travels through liquid such as water and solid such as rock and ground. Put your ear on the floor and hear the people step for the proof of sound travel through solid.

Why is a solid medium used to purify microorganisms?

Solid medium is used to purify microorganisms so that the microorganism can develop pure colonies quickly. The most commonly used solid medium is agar.

Is a medium a a solid?


Is a solid a medium?


What is speed of sound through a solid medium?

It depends on the medium.

What is the size of a dog's ear?

medium size ears

Which part of the ear connects it to the outside world?

The part of the ear that connects it to the outside world is the outer ear. The outer ear contains the ear drum and the bell. The bell is the part of the ear that shows on the outside.

With what medium do you purify a microorganism?


Difference between solid state fermentation and submerged fermentation?

Submerged fermentation:" The organism which can grow under the beneath the surface of the medium is called " Ex.. liquid medium (Nutrient broth) solid state-fermentation : "Organisms which can grow on the surface of the medium is called solid state fermentation" Ex.. solid medium (Nutrient agar)

The pinna and the ear canal are part of the?

the ear