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Q: Which part of the human reproductive system is similar as the anther of a flower?
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Which part of the human reproductive system has a similar function as the anther of a flower?

Ovary deh

What are the males parts of a flower?

filament, anther and connective(together known as stamen or androecium) are parts of male reproductive system.

What are the difference between staminate and pistillate flowers?

the staminate also known as the androecium is composed of the organs of the male reproductive system (flower). these are the anther and filament. the pistillate on the other hand (gynoecium) is composed of the organs of the female reproductive system. these are the pistil, style and ovary.

Does a bisexual flower have one reproductive system or both reproductive systems?

it has only one reproductive system

Where is the plant reproductive system of an angiosperm?

In the flower

What is the female reproductive system called in a flower?

the pistil

Which part and its function in the female reproductive system is similar to that of the male reproductive system?


Female reproductive system of a flower?

Stamens are the male reproductive parts of flowers

Which part of the flower contains the female reproductive system?


What does anther do for a flower?

AntherThe anther is the part of the flower that holds the pollen. This and the filament both make up the stamen.anther generally has four pollen sacs in a dithecous anther and in a monothecous anther like that of hibiscus there are 2 pollen sacs and each pollen sacs hold a microsporangium which produces pollen grains that how anther plays a main role in the development of pollen grains

What is the purpose of the stigma on a flower?

In a flower carpel, the stigma is the terminal portion that has no epidermis and is fitted to receive pollen.

What type of plants use flowers as reproductive structures?

Flowing plants, also known as angiosperms use flowers for repodution purposes. They consist of a male reproductive organ called anther and a female reproductive system called ovary.