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Directly it is the electrons.

Indirectly the number of protons in the nucleus which determines how many electrons there are in the neutral atom and is a major determinant of ionization energy, electron affinity etc. which influence the formation of the bonds.

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The outermost electrons, also known as valence electrons, determine an atom's ability to form chemical bonds with other atoms. These electrons are involved in bonding with other atoms to achieve a stable configuration.

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Q: Which particle in an atom's structure determines it's ability to form chemical bonds with other atoms?
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Is basicity a chemical or physical property?

Basicity is a chemical property that describes the ability of a substance to accept or donate protons in a chemical reaction. It is related to the chemical structure and composition of a substance rather than its physical characteristics.

Is chemical stability a physical or chemical properties?

Chemical property

How is flammability a chemical property?

Flammability is a chemical property because it describes the ability of a substance to undergo combustion in the presence of oxygen. It is determined by the chemical composition and structure of the substance, as well as its interaction with other substances. Flammability can be influenced by factors such as the presence of functional groups, bonding arrangements, and molecular weight.

What is the concept of electrogativity?

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract and hold onto electrons in a chemical bond. It is a relative scale ranging from 0 to 4, with higher values indicating higher electron-attracting ability. Electronegativity helps predict the polarity and reactivity of chemical bonds between different elements.

Sodium metal conducts heat and electricity a chemical property?

Yes, the ability of sodium metal to conduct heat and electricity is a chemical property. This is because it relates to the substance's inherent ability to undergo changes in composition or structure during a chemical reaction or interaction. Conductivity is a characteristic that is dependent on the arrangement of atoms in the substance at a molecular level.

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The number of valence electrons an element atom contains will determine its chemical properties.

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Structure refers to the arrangement of parts within a system, while function describes the specific role or purpose that a system performs. In biology, structure often determines function, as the shape and organization of molecules, cells, and organs can influence their abilities to carry out specific tasks. For example, the shape of an enzyme molecule determines its ability to bind to specific substrates and catalyze chemical reactions.

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chemical property.

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Tarnishing is a chemical change as it involves a reaction between the metal and substances in the environment, leading to the formation of a new compound on the metal surface. This new compound is often a metal oxide or sulfide, which gives the tarnished appearance.

What is the strength of a beta particle?

The strength of a beta particle is its ability to cross the absorber to reach the detector.Now the strength of a beta particle depends upon the energy of the beta particle and thickness of the absorber.

Is Ability to rust a physical property or chemical property?

ability to rust is a chemical property

What is a subatomic particle that determine an atom's chemical behavior or bonding ability?

Electrons are the subatomic particles that determine an atom's chemical behavior and bonding ability. They are involved in the formation of chemical bonds between atoms through interactions with other atoms' electrons.

Which property determines an atoms ability to attract electrons shared in a chemical bond?

The one word answer is "electronegativity", which in turn is dependent on many other characteristics of the electron configuration.

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