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It is behaviorism

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Q: Which perspective assumes that human behavior may have developed in certain directions because it served a useful function in preserving the species?
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Which psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and body in behavior?

THe Biological Perspective

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The biological perspective focuses on the links between biology and behavior.

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Where was humanistic perspective developed?

It originated from individuals like Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow who were searching for a psychodynamic theory that addressed and embraced the concept of healthy growth of the mind and the meaning behind behavior.

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Horse behavior is best understood from the perspective

What is Behavior genetics perspective?

Behavior genetics is the scientific study of the role of heredity in behavior. It proposes that most behaviors in animals and humans are influenced by genetics.

What is the difference between psychodnamic and behavior perspective?

Psychodynamic perspective focus on our unconscious thoughts. Psychodynamic psychologist tend to focus on our inner lives such as our hidden motives and deeper most fantasies and dreams. Behavior perspective also known as behaviorist focus on observable behavior. They highly emphasize the role of environment in modeling of behavior and tend to reject introspection (careful self- examination of conscious thoughts).

Internal behavior of a man?

from my perspective my internal behavior is to achieve the completion of my immediate responsibilities while retaining a positive mood.

What ethical theory views all your behavior from an ethical perspective is?

Utilitarian Theory