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Q: Which perspective suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow develop and be in control of their lives and behaviors?
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The social influence perspective, which suggests that individual behavior is influenced by the groups they belong to and the norms of those groups. This perspective highlights the impact of peer pressure and social dynamics on individuals' choices and behaviors.

What is the behavior perspective of leadership?

The behavior perspective of leadership focuses on the actions and behaviors of a leader rather than on their traits or characteristics. It emphasizes that leadership can be learned and developed through specific behaviors such as task-oriented or relationship-oriented actions. This perspective suggests that effective leadership can be cultivated through training and practice.

What point of view emphasizes the adaptive value of behavior?

The evolutionary perspective emphasizes the adaptive value of behavior. It suggests that behaviors have evolved over time because they increase the likelihood of survival and reproduction in a particular environment. This perspective focuses on how behaviors have helped species adapt to their surroundings and pass on their genes to future generations.

What theory suggests that deviant self concepts are formed as a result of individuals being defined as deviant?

Labeling theory suggests that deviant self-concepts are formed as a result of individuals being labeled as deviant by society. This theory emphasizes the importance of social reactions in shaping individuals' identities and behaviors.

What is the analogy of influence?

The "analogy of influence" suggests that people are like sponges, soaking up ideas and behaviors from their surroundings. Just as a sponge absorbs water, individuals can be influenced by the attitudes and actions of those around them. This analogy highlights the power of social interactions in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviors.

Which perspective in psychology proposes that behaviors and traits will flourish if they promote the transmission of one's genes?

Evolutionary psychology suggests that behaviors and traits will be favored if they contribute to the survival and reproduction of one's genes. This perspective posits that natural selection has shaped psychological mechanisms that enhance an individual's chances of passing on their genetic material to future generations.

What is psychoanalytical perspective?

The psychoanalytical perspective is a psychological theory developed by Sigmund Freud that emphasizes the role of unconscious thoughts and childhood experiences in shaping behavior and personality. It suggests that individuals have unconscious motives and conflicts that can influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Psychoanalytic therapy aims to bring these unconscious processes to the surface to resolve internal conflicts and achieve personal growth.

How do you explain Cognitive Behavior?

Cognitive behavior refers to the interaction between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This approach suggests that our thoughts can influence our feelings and actions. By becoming aware of and altering negative thought patterns, individuals can change their emotional responses and behaviors.

What is a need based perspective on motivation?

A need-based perspective on motivation suggests that individuals are driven to fulfill certain basic psychological needs, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This perspective posits that when these needs are met, individuals are more motivated and engaged in their activities, leading to greater well-being and performance.

What theoretical claims that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as what meaning they attach to their behaviors?

sybolic interaction approach

What is an Implication of Observational learning?

One implication of observational learning is that individuals can acquire new behaviors and knowledge by observing others without direct reinforcement. This can lead to the spread of both positive and negative behaviors in a social context. Additionally, observational learning suggests that individuals can learn from a wider range of experiences beyond their own actions.

What is The theory of rewards and punishment?

The theory of rewards and punishment is a psychological concept that suggests that behaviors can be reinforced or weakened through consequences. Rewarding desired behaviors increases the likelihood of them being repeated, while punishing undesired behaviors decreases their occurrence. This theory is often used in behavior modification and shaping individuals' actions.