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Q: Which place is Home of the first Known written code of law is it Egypt Or Mesopotamia?
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What came first Mesopotamia or Stonehenge?

The Summarian civilizations of Mesopotamia

What sort of differences existed between the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt?

There are far too many differences to name between Mesopotamia and Egypt. However, to start, Egypt was situated on the Nile River while Mesopotamia was between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Mesopotamia began as city-states, but did eventually evolve into something resembling a monarchy.

Who inscribed their first written laws on stones 451 bc?

Rome's Twelve Tables laws were written in 451 BCE, however laws were written over a thousand years earlier in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

What civilization first made things out of glass?

The civilization that first made things out of glass was Eastern Mesopotamia and Egypt around 3500 BC. The first glass vessels were made in Egypt and Mesopotamia around 1500 BC.

Which group was the first to unify much of Mesopotamia and create a true empire?


Who is famous for having created the first written law?

Hammurabi is generally considered famous for having codified the first laws.

When and where the first civilization appear?

The first civilization was born in the river valleys of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.

When and where did the first civilization appear?

The first civilization was born in the river valleys of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.

When did scribes become important in Egypt?

They were first important in Mesopotamia, mostly in the Sumerian society

What does Egypt and Mesopotamia have in common?

first, they were in the same time period. secondly, ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt both have natural barriers, like mountains, and deserts. also, they both try to invent ways of communicating, like things to write on(clay tablet for Mesopotamia, and papyrus paper for ancient Egypt).

What does ancient Egypt and ancient mesopotamia have in common?

first, they were in the same time period. secondly, ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt both have natural barriers, like mountains, and deserts. also, they both try to invent ways of communicating, like things to write on(clay tablet for Mesopotamia, and papyrus paper for ancient Egypt).

Who wrote down laws for the first time?

The oldest known written laws are the Code of Ur-Nammu. It's from Mesopotamia (Iraq/Kuwait) and is written on stone tablets.