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Q: Which planet lost his status as a planet?
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Which planet has recently lost it status?

Pluto lost it's "planet" status and now is called a dwarf planet.

What planet is not considered to be a planet?

Pluto recently lost its status as a planet and is now a dwarf planet.

Which one recently lost its status as a planet?


Which planet lost its status as a planet and which year?

Pluto was ranked down to a dwarf planet in 2006

Which one of the solar system lost its status as a planet?

Pluto - it is now categorised as a dwarf planet

What planet used to be the second smallest planet?

Mercury was listed as the second smallest planet. Since Pluto lost its status as a planet Mercury is now the smallest planet.

Which planet recently lost its status as a planet?

Pluto was regarded as the ninth planet, from it's discovery in 1930, until it's reclassification as a dwarf planet in 2006.

What planet does not exist anymore?

Pluto is no longer classified as a planet, but rather as a dwarf planet. The celestial body still exists -- it has simply lost its previous classification status.

Which 3 planets are after Saturn?

There are only 2, now that Pluto has lost its status as a planet. They are Uranus and Neptune.

What is the last planet to revolve around the sun?

Neptune, Pluto has lost its status as a planet. Since then, many dwarf planets have been discovered beyond Pluto.

What planets have you sent space probes to?

All except Pluto. Which has recently lost its status as a planet, changing the answer to "all of them". With the semantic exception of Earth, I suppose.

What planet was removed from the planet status in recent years?
