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Q: Which political leaders were responsible for starting the cold war?
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Answer this question… Both were Cold War political leaders who advocated increased military spending.

At the end of the cold war the us was responsible for?

Rebuilding much of Europe and starting the United Nations.

What are three similarities between Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher?

Both were Cold War political leaders who advocated increased military spending.

Who were the major political leaders for the leading countries during the cold war?

Joesph Stalin was the leader of Russia and Harry S. Truman was the leader of the U.S.A.

What were the two political ideologies used in the cold war and how did they differ from each other?

The two political ideologies used in the Cold War were democracy and communism. The United States was a democratic country while the Soviet Union was communist dictatorship. We elected our leaders while they had no choice of who was in charge.

Who were the 1940's political leaders?

Harry truman Isenhower Churchill are some leaders your mom

Which statement describes a similarity between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev?

Each played a major role in ending the Cold War

Why Russia was responsible for cold war?

Both are responsible. The question is what did we got from that.

Who were the American leaders of the cold war?

jozef morris

Who were the leaders of china in the cold war?

Mao Zedong

What did the Soviet leaders do during the Cold War?


What political weapons where used in the cold war?

Propaganda is a political weapon.