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Q: Which popular candy bar is another name for the ancient Roman god of war?
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Related questions

Why is candy so popular?

candy is popular because everyone knows what it is.

What is the most popular candy ever?

The most popular candy ever is chocolate. No one has not heard of chocolate candy before, no matter what it is.

What is the most popular Halloween candy in the US?

Candy corn.

What candy tops most popular trick or treat candy?

It's usually candy bars.

Why is Mexican candy so popular?

Mexican candy is so popular because all of its different tastes and whats in the candy gives your taste buds an extraordinary sensation.

What is the most popular candy for Halloween?

There are many popular Halloween candies. I would stay away from peanuts/tree nut candies because many people have allergies. I would recommend Blow Pops, Kit Kat, Twix, Tootsie Pops, Starburst, Hershey's, and Skittles. There are tons of popular candies out there!

What is a popular candy in Mississippi?

Praline Pecans are very popular.

Most popular candy to pass out at halloween?

Kids like to get chocolate candy bars for Halloween. Some of the most popular candy to pass out are Snickers, Reese's Cups, Kit-Kats, and plain M & M's.

What is the most popular wonka candy?

The most popular candy made by Wonka is definitely NERDS!!!! Tiny, Tangy, Crunchy Candy!!!! They are the best and are top sellers of convenience stores!!!

What is the most popular way to say "Be Mine"-Flowers, Cards, or Candy?


What are the most popular kinds of candy?

i think the most popular candy is sour power because everyone in my school eats it every day

What are facts about Candy Land?

Candy Land is a not so popular kids game. XP