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occipital lobe

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Q: Which portion of the brain interprets visual impulses from the optic nerve?
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What part of the brain interprets impulses from the senses?

the parietal lobe

Which part of the brain interprets messages from the eyes?

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What is a light-sensitive feature that receives visual images and transmits impulses to the brain?

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The brain region receives Visual impulses?

the eye receives visual images from our surroundings, these images are received by the cones and rods which are on the retina which is found in the eye, the images are translated (by the cones and rods) and sent as impulses to the brain through the optic nerve, the brain is then able to inter-prate these impulses into images we see.

The lobe of the brain that interprets what you see is the?

The occipital lobe is the visual processing center for mammals.

What auditory nerve is responsible for?

The auditory nerve is responsible for relaying vibrations from the cochlea, in the inner ear, to the brain as electrical impulses. The auditory centre of the brain then interprets these as sound.

Why the eye interprets the image as erect when the image produced is real and inverted?

The interpretation of the image as erect by the eye is due to the brain's ability to process visual information. The brain has learned to associate specific visual cues with upright objects, allowing it to perceive the image as erect even if the image produced on the retina is inverted. This is known as visual perception and is a result of the brain's processing and interpretation of visual stimuli.

What part does an insect have its nervous system?

An insect has a brain as part of its nervous system. The brain receives and interprets sensory impulses from all ganglia on the insect's body.

How sound travels from your vocal cords to your friends ear when you talk?

When you speak, your friend's ear gathers compressional waves, which are sound waves. Then, the ear amplifies the waves, converting them to nerve impulses that travel to the brain. And then, the brain decodes and interprets the nerve impulses.

How do eye cells communicate with muscle cells?

The eye cells transmit nerve impulses to the brain, which translates the signal and transmits nerve impulses to the muscles. Information from sensory organs, including the eyes, ears, tongue, and skin, are transmitted by nerve impulses directly to the brain. The brain acting as the control center of the body interprets the nerve impulses. It then sends out different nerve impulses to other cells of the body if a response to the sensory signals is needed.

Explain how sound travels from your vocal cords to your friends ear when you talk?

When you speak, your friend's ear gathers compressional waves, which are sound waves. Then, the ear amplifies the waves, converting them to nerve impulses that travel to the brain. And then, the brain decodes and interprets the nerve impulses.

Encoded information travels along the optic nerve to the?

The optic nerve transmits visual impulses from the retina to the brain.