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Q: Which president was in office during the beginning of the great depression but did not do much to help Americans?
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Who was the president during the beginning of the depression?

Herbert Hoover

Which president was the first to deal with the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was the president during the great wall street crashes which are generally considered to be the beginning of the great depression, so he was the first president to have to deal with it.

What did some Americans question during the Great Depression?

What did some americans question during the great depression?

How did Americans help the poor during the Great Depression?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Is there anyone their who lived during the great depression?

There are many Americans who were alive during the depression.

Who was the president in power during the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was President when the Great Depression began. Franklin Roosevelt was President when the Depression ended.

Who was the president during early depression?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the United States president during the Great Depression.

Where might Americans have laid the blame for their difficulties during the early 1930s?

In reference to The Great Depression, many Americans blamed President Herbert Hoover for their difficulties during the early 1930s. Many felt he underestimated the severity of the financial crisis, and did little to help those hit hardest by the depression.

What effect did the great depression have on minority such as African Americans and Mexican Americans?

discriminatory practices worsened during the great depression.

Who was the president during the removal of the Native Americans?

I am certain that it is Andrew Jackson who was the president during the Removal Act of the Native Americans.

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who was president during the great depression and wwii

What was the homeless rate during the Great Depression?

the homeless rate during the great depression was nearly 25 percent of Americans.