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by bacteruaogage'

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Q: Which process is Transformation is the transfer of DNA from a donor to a recipient cell?
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What is a gene transfer?

Gene transfer is a naturally occurring phenomena wherein there is a transfer of genetic material from the donor to the recipient. Conjugation would be an example

What is a helper plasmid?

A helper plasmid is one that allows for the beginning of replication and transfer of other plasmids from a donor to a recipient. Without a helper plasmid, transposons will not be expressed in the recipient.

What are two bacteria's that exchange genetic material?

Genetic exchanges among bacteria occur by several mechanisms. In transformation, the recipient bacterium takes up extracellular donor DNA. In transduction, donor DNA packaged in a bacteriophage infects the recipient bacterium. In conjugation, the donor bacterium transfers DNA to the recipient by mating.

Is a recipient a giver or a receiver?

The recipient is the receiver. The donor is the giver.

What is the opposite of the word donor?


Who is responsible for the cost of kidney transplants?

In the UK the donor's hospital pays for everything connected with the donation process and the recipients hospital (if different) pays for all the costs involved with the recipient side of the transplant. Neither donor nor recipient pay for any of it.

Does your blood type effect you in any way?

i would not think so but if you transfer your blood to someone els with an incompatible blood type it could kill them.Donor O-, Recipient compatible with any type.Donor O+, Recipient compatible with O+, A+, B+, AB+; incompatible with O-, A-, B-, AB-.Donor A-, Recipient compatible with A-, A+, AB-, AB+; incompatible with O-, O+, B-, B+.Donor A+, Recipient compatible with A+, AB+; incompatible with O-, O+, A-, B-, B+, AB-.Donor AB-, Recipient compatible with AB-, AB+ onlyDonor AB+, Recipient compatible wit AB+ only.

What is the antonym of universal donor?

Universal recipient

What is an antonym of the word 'recipient'?

Donor, or Sender. Payer

Who is the person of contact to receive a donation?

A donor :)

What is the Antonym of the word recipient?

Donor, or Sender. Payer