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Q: Which product label denotes a whole grain product?
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What terms would you look for on a bread label to choose the most nutritious product?

whole grain

What percent of whole grain must a product contain in order to be labeled whole grain?

A product must contain at least 51% whole grain to be labeled as a whole grain product.

What percent of whole grain must a food product contain in order to be labeled as a whole grain product?


According to the food and drug administration what percent of whole grain must a food product contain in order to be labeledwhole-grain?

As of this moment, FDA only has draft guidance regarding the use of "whole grain" on food labels. In the published draft guidance, "whole grain" would indicate 100%. The labeling should not be misleading, so if the label infers that it is 100% whole grain when it is not, FDA might take issue with that.

What percent of whole grain must a food product contain in order to be labels whole grain?

51 percent

What Percent Of Whole Grain Must A Food Product Contain In Order To Be Labeled ''whole Grain''?

51 percent

What percent of whole grain must a food product contain in order to be labeled whole grain?

51 percent

What percent of whole grain must be a food product contain in order to be labeled whole grain?

51 percent

When the whole grain kernel is used the product is referred to as?

Whole Wheat

Is popped corn a whole grain?

All popcorn is whole grain. If the grains (kernels, really) of popcorn were not left intact, the popcorn wouldn't be able to 'pop'. The '100% whole grain!' labels that have begun to appear on microwave popcorn are nothing more than a marketing scam. 'Whole grain' popcorn is no different from any other popcorn. It isn't better for your health; it's just from a company that has smart people working in the marketing department. To answer the question, then, a label indicating a 'whole grain' popcorn product does not tell you whether or not the popcorn is organic. Look for a specific certification on the packaging if you wish to purchase organic popcorn.

What are some whole-grain foods?

Whole grains contain the whole grain kernel (made up of the bran, germ, and angiosperm) instead of having these nutrients stripped off. For example, brown rice is whole grain, and white rice is refined. They are the same type of rice, but white rice has had the outer layers, along with all the nutrients, scraped off. Some examples of whole grains are brown rice, wholewheat flour, Bulgar, oatmeal, and whole cornmeal. Also, anything that has "whole wheat" or "whole grain" on the label.

Is whole wheat a whole grain?

Yes, whole wheat is a whole grain, although it isn't the only whole grain.