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Putting bleach in your mouth will cause severe chemical burns and it could kill you. Please don't do this.

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Q: Which putting bleach in your mouth pass you on a cheek swab drug test?
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What happens when you use bleach while taking a mouth swab?

Dude, do NOT rinse your mouth out with bleach no matter what your buddies tell you. You won't get rid of the THC. You will get popped for bleach--it's called adulteration and they're REAL fussy about it; no one drinks bleach unless they're trying to beat a drug test and listening to their buddies And you'll injure yourself badly.

What does a cheek swab drug test for?

It sits in your mouth inbetween your teeth and cheek and soaks up the saliva. If there is THC in your cheek cells, it will be in your saliva. (Your cheek cells are replaced with fresh ones quickly. Don't consume THC for 3-4 days, and you will pass a mouth swab.)

Can a peppermint help pass a mouth swab saliva drug test since the lines in the test turn red for negative?

This is a common misconception. When testers swab your mouth, they are actually checking your DNA through cheek cells. So no, peppermint can not help pass a drug test.

Will gargaling with bleach help pass a swab drug test?

No, if it doesn't kill you it will make you sick and could burn the soft tissue in your mouth. Stop using if you want to pass a drug test.

How do you bleach facial hair?

they sell FACIAL BLEACH in drug stores

Does bleach mess with drug test?

Yes, but the bleach is easily detected. The penalties for tampering with your drug test might be worse than failing it.

Will bleach show up in a drug test?

No It won't. Its not a thing they can check for in a drug screening.

What is a syliva drug test?

it is a drug test by mouth. they swab the mouth to detect drug use in the last 24 hours.

What is the route of administration of a drug that is placed between gum and cheek?


Does drinking bleach help pass a drug test?

i really dont think so i think if u put bleach in the actual urine sample it will destroy the creatinin in the urine allowing u to pass the drug test. this really only works with on the spot result drug tests that arent in a lab. Injecting the bleach directly into a vein will solve the problem. You'll never have to worry about passing any test of any kind ever again. Quit trying to beat the test. Beat your addiction (or whatever the hell it is that makes you use that crap).

If you don't rub the swab on your gums during a saliva drug test can you pass it?

No. Bleach not only has a very distinct smell, which one could easily detect while obtaining the actual swab (which would fail you instantly before beginning the test). Also, saliva is continuously flowing from your mouth along with the proof of your drug of choice. And although bleach MIGHT clean the unwanted chemical from your mouth the moment of brushing, any time afterward would be a sure fail.

Can bleach destroy cocaine for drug testing?

Yes. Bleach will make the drug screen unreadable. Just like a diluted specimen. On home drug kits however, it will only show negative results. If it is lab tested they will send the results back as unreadable.