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Yes, but the bleach is easily detected. The penalties for tampering with your drug test might be worse than failing it.

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Q: Does bleach mess with drug test?
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Will bleach show up in a drug test?

No It won't. Its not a thing they can check for in a drug screening.

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Can you do at home test with bleach and urine to find out if you're pregnant?

Of course not - it's not that simple ! Get a doctor to perform a proper test.

If I drank a gallon of water will it mess my urine drug test?

Yes BEcuase they water will multiply the drug cells

Does drinking bleach help pass a drug test?

i really dont think so i think if u put bleach in the actual urine sample it will destroy the creatinin in the urine allowing u to pass the drug test. this really only works with on the spot result drug tests that arent in a lab. Injecting the bleach directly into a vein will solve the problem. You'll never have to worry about passing any test of any kind ever again. Quit trying to beat the test. Beat your addiction (or whatever the hell it is that makes you use that crap).

Can bleach show up in a urine test?

"Using bleach" is not very specific. If you mean "will the lab notice you tried to fake the urine test", yes. If you mean "will they report it to the person who ordered the test", absolutely. If you mean "can I use bleach in some magical way to actually pass a drug test", then no.

How soon will you test clear after drinking bleach and milk?

DONT DRINK bleach this can KILL (you can add in your pee but works only for some Home drug tests)

Will slim quick fat burner diet pills fail a drug test?

YES SlimQuick will cause you to fail a drug test in most cases because it mess with the drugs in your system.

Will gargaling with bleach help pass a swab drug test?

No, if it doesn't kill you it will make you sick and could burn the soft tissue in your mouth. Stop using if you want to pass a drug test.

What happeneds if you put bleach from a bleach pen in the cup for a piss test?

You probably won't get the job. Or be found in violation of your parole. Adulterating the test by finding work arounds is tantamount to admitting that you are guilty of drug use.

Which putting bleach in your mouth pass you on a cheek swab drug test?

Putting bleach in your mouth will cause severe chemical burns and it could kill you. Please don't do this.

Can the levels of percocet show up in a urine drug test?

No, and before you mess with dangerous prescription drugs, try to learn how to spell them.