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Hinduism is polytheistic, though some may argue that there are two levels of deities within the religion, which separate a unified, one "God" and some lesser, but equally divine "gods". Zoroastrianism is ditheistic (two gods --> Ahriman and Ahura Mazda). A lot of people would also vouch that Buddhism is polytheistic, in the sense that they believe in devas, souls that reach an almost god-like enlightenment, though Buddhism inherently is atheistic. Shintoism is also polytheistic, given that they believe in the existence of "kami" which are higher beings of spirit-origin. Not to get into any philosophical discussions, but if you were to break it down, even religions like Christianity, which believe in the unified God in simultaneous multitude (like the Trinity or the Virgin Mary's "redemptrix" status), the feminine "huri" element of divinity seen in the Bahá'í Faith and other Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism), or any other religion where God has multiple instances of being, you could raise the argument of polytheism or polytheistic references made to a given monotheistic religion.

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main one that comes to mind is hindu-ism. they would still say they belive in one god but they have millions of smaller gods, statues that diffrent sects/families would worship....

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