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To swallow live Spiders in butter. Gross, right?

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Q: Which remedy was used to cure a cough or sore throat in Tudor times?
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Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax

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There were no trains in the Tudor times. They had only first come out in 1872

Can Anxiety cause a perpetual cough?

Definitely. I constantly cough when I am upset/anxious/nervous. When I am not and am feeling very happy, my cough is almost non-existant. Also, lpr or larynesophogeal reflux disease (bring acid up from your stomach into your throat) even a few times can cause irritation to the throat and cause coughing. If it is not anxiety for you and lpr, nexium 40mg twice per day will be the best - at least it was for me.

What is a Tudor fishmonger?

It's a Fishmonger who was alive in Tudor times

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Explorers like Rayleigh found spices in Tudor times.

Your sm dog has a lung infection and cough what can you do for the cough in between meds?

this has happened to me before several time in fact. what i did was massage the throat area and do this at least a few times every day. soon along with the medicine it will soon clear up.

Is there a home remedy for kennel cough for a little dog?

Kennel cough IS highly contagious but its like a human cough, you wouldn't go to the doctor to treat it so why get the vet to treat it. A teaspoon of good quality manuka honey a few times a day and some plain natural yoghurt after their tea. It'll go away in about a week.

Should you cough when youre sick?

depends upon the illness. If you have a respiratory illness, then yes you should cough because that removes the mucus that the bacteria and other irritants are. However, if you have a throat infection coughing will only aggravate symptoms; you should instead try to have water (nothing with acid, alcohol, or caffeine in it) on you at all times to calm a tickle in your throat.

What was the chemise in Tudor times?


What was the crime for beheading in Tudor times?

To be able to be beheaded in the Tudor times you had to break the law or disobey the king or queen