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reusable resource

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Q: Which resource is not a type of natural resource a reusable resource b renewable resource c remarkable resource d nonrenewable resource?
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A resource that can regenerate and therefore is replaceable is what?

The resources which can be regenerated and are not reducing by consuming them are known as replaceable resources

Is a eastern oyster renewable or nonrenewable?

it is nonrenewable because its not reusable

Is magnesium renewable or nonrenewable?

With known technology, magnesium is nonrenewable, but it is reusable.

Is soil reusable renewable or nonrenewable?

Soil is reuseable.

Is nickel a reusable resource?

no it is a non renewable resource

What is nonrenewable and renewable?

renewable is a way of saying something is reusable, nonrenewable is not reusable renewable means that the resource or object will replenish itself often or as fast as we use it up. for instance a tree would be a renewable resource because it grows inour lifetime it does't grow very fast to us but compared to coal it grows very fast. nonrenewable means that it does not replenish itself quickly or doesn't at all so for instance coal takes thousands of years to form and you will never see it start to finish unless you live for thousands of millions of years.

Are minerals reusable?

No! Minerals are a non-renewable resource which means they are not reusable. They are not callify as a natural resource.Hope this answer helped

Why is sun is a renewable resource?

The sun is considered a renewable resource because it will continue to produce reusable energy forever. Fossil fuels aren't renewable because they are finite.

What is a reneawable resource?

RENEWABLE SOURCE of energy can be regained again when used.... simply saying, renewable means reusable...

Is gasoline reusable?

It's actually not. Gasoline is a non-renewable resource. It's actually not even a resource, it's just a product.

Is horsepower a non renewable resource?

It depends on exactly what you are asking. Are you talking about the using up gasoline for energy and its emissions are reusable, or that a car can be broken down into its pieces melted down and remade into new vehicles. A car can be considered a renewable resource because you can get almost all the metals and materials back. Gasoline is nonrenewable